Winrate by race and map 10000 games on W3Champions ladder analyzed

Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here

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Its a website that continuously runs statistical data analysis of World of Warcraft logs and leaderboards to help you find out Whats best to play Tier Lists How best to play it Meta Builds Our algorithm offers unbiased datadriven advice to WoW players The data itself is presented in concise easytoread tables

10v10 Battlegrounds Player vs Player Leaderboards World of Warcraft


3v3 Statistics PvPLeaderboard

Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here

Winrate Tertinggi Wow 1233


Champion stats win rates pick rates more ingame data insights

W3Champions the third party ladder developed by Pad has been around for just over a week now There have already been 10000 games played User Helpstone in the W3Champions discord httpsdiscordgguJmQxG2 compiled the data and ran an analysis on any game longer than 60s to exclude bugs

Select MMR Select Patch vs Human vs Orc vs Undead vs Night Elf vs Random

All statistics are computed across the full Data for Azeroth database which may not be an accurate reflection of the overall WoW population Browse Collections Rarity Statistics

W3C Matchup Winrates by different MMR Ranges rWC3 Reddit

Winrate Tertinggi Wow 1233

Use WoWAnalyzer to analyze your gameplay and get suggestions to become a better raider

Curious about champion win rates pick rates and other statistical data Select filters such as game type tier and position to find out more

The mmr ranges were chosen to be roughly equally populated and also to represent the leagues the w3c ladder had before the update today The winrates read from left to top eg UD has 5393 overall winrate against HU Winrates by different MMR ranges Winrate curves Also I this is how the race occurences look in the different mmr ranges

3v3 Arena Player vs Player Leaderboards World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft PvP 3v3 leaderboard representation by class spec race faction realm and guild

Data for Azeroth World of Warcraft Leaderboards for Collectors